Microsoft removes SVVP Support Policy Wizard..and I think it’s a good thing
Matt Liebowitz
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Microsoft first released the Server Virtualization Validation Program back in 2008 to help validate their products running on server virtualization technologies (both Microsoft and 3rd party). Followed soon after that release was a tool called the SVVP Support Policy Wizard which made it very easy to simply plug in your application, OS version, and desired hypervisor and out would come…
2012 – The Year of SQL Virtualization
Matt Liebowitz
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Those of you who follow me on Twitter have probably seen me say this a few times – 2012 will be the year of SQL virtualization, specifically SQL on vSphere. I figured it was about time to back that up with some facts and some opinions on just why I am so adamant about that statement. I spend a lot…
Microsoft Jetstress 2010 now supported in virtual machines
Matt Liebowitz
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Microsoft announced on the Exchange Team blog today that they now support running Jetstress 2010 inside a virtual machine. You can read more about it and a little bit of the background on this one at the Exchange Team blog post here. If you aren’t familiar with Jetstress, here’s a two second version: Jetstress is a tool from Microsoft that…
Virtual machine snapshots and tier-1 apps: Not always supported
Matt Liebowitz
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After seeing a discussion in the vExpert forums and in my own experience in talking to customers, I came to the conclusion that many people aren’t aware of some of the support restrictions around virtualizing tier-1 Microsoft applications. The one support requirement that many folks aren’t aware of is the use of virtual machine snapshots on Microsoft applications, particularly Exchange…
Guest clustering on vSphere: A familiar topic revisited
Matt Liebowitz
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Yes, it’s 2012 and we’re still talking about whether or not organizations should consider running a Microsoft Windows Failover Cluster (sometimes referred to as MSCS clustering) in a vSphere environment. I know this topic has been written about before by others but I wanted to share some of my own thoughts and experiences around this topic. My focus these days…
Vote for top virtualization blogs–keep it lowercase!
Matt Liebowitz
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It’s that time of year again – Eric Siebert has kicked off voting for his annual list of the top virtualization blogs. I’m amazed that this year there are over 180 blogs in the list and more from people who didn’t get their blog submitted in time. It shows how much virtualization continues to grow and how great our VMware…
VCP 5 Exam–A few thoughts
Matt Liebowitz
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I took and passed the VMware Certified Professional (VCP) 5 exam last week and wanted to share a few thoughts. There are already many posts that cover the VCP 5 exam and what are good study resources, so I will try to just add a little value around how I felt this test compared to previous versions. For me the…
SQL 2012 per-core licensing clarification
Matt Liebowitz
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Last month I posted about the licensing changes to SQL 2012 and how it may impact those looking to virtualize SQL. One of the most confusing parts of the new licensing was the limit of 20 cores in a system when using the per-core licensing of SQL 2012 Enterprise Edition. It made no sense to introduce such a low limit…
New SQL 2012 Licensing and Its Impact On Virtualization
Matt Liebowitz
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Last week Microsoft released their updated licensing scheme for SQL Server 2012, which is due to be released next year. Though there are a number of changes to the product and to how it is licensed, in my mind the biggest change is that Microsoft has moved to a per core licensing model for SQL. The Server + CAL model…
Microsoft responds to VMware performance benchmark report
Matt Liebowitz
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VMware recently commissioned a study comparing performance between vSphere 5 and Hyper-V 2.0 SP1. The study involves virtual machines running a database simulation workload with 24 VMs (without memory overcommit) and 30 VMs (with memory overcommit). The results show that VMware vSphere outperforms Hyper-V in each scenario. The original performance report can be found here (opens a PDF): Microsoft…